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发布时间:2024-04-24 16:02:32


在全球化的今天,国际贸易已成为推动世界经济发展的重要力量。然而,随着贸易活动的增加,商业争端的发生也在所难免。如何有效、公正地解决这些争端,成为了各国法律界和商业界关注的焦点。在这个背景下,《联合国国际贸易法委员会 (UNCITRAL) 仲裁规则》(以下简称《UNCITRAL仲裁规则》)应运而生。这套规则自1976年发布以来,已经在全球范围内广泛应用于解决各种商业争端,其影响力不容忽视。本文将对《UNCITRAL仲裁规则》进行介绍,探讨其在国际贸易法中的地位和影响,以期为读者提供理解和参考。






Article 3 仲裁通知


1. The party or parties initiating recourse to arbitration (hereinafter called the "claimant") shall communicate to the other party or parties (hereinafter called the "respondent") a notice of arbitration. 

2. Arbitral proceedings shall be deemed to commence on the date on which the notice of arbitration is received by the respondent.

3. The notice of arbitration shall include the following: (a) A demand that the dispute be referred to arbitration; (b) The names and contact details of the parties; (c) Identification of the arbitration agreement that is invoked; (d) Identification of any contract or other legal instrument out of or in relation to which the dispute arises or, in the absence of such contract or instrument, a brief description of the relevant relationship; (e) A brief description of the claim and an indication of the amount involved, if any; (f) The relief or remedy sought; (g) A proposal as to the number of arbitrators, language and place of arbitration, if the parties have not previously agreed thereon.

4. The notice of arbitration may also include: (a) A proposal for the designation of an appointing authority referred to in article 6, paragraph 1; (b) A proposal for the appointment of a sole arbitrator referred to in article 8, paragraph 1; (c) Notification of the appointment of an arbitrator referred to in article 9 or 10. 

5. The constitution of the arbitral tribunal shall not be hindered by any controversy with respect to the sufficiency of the notice of arbitration, which shall be finally resolved by the arbitral tribunal.

Article 7&9 仲裁庭的组成


Article 7

1. If the parties have not previously agreed on the number of arbitrators, and if within 30 days after the receipt by the respondent of the notice of arbitration the parties have not agreed that there shall be only one arbitrator, three arbitrators shall be appointed.

Article 9

1. If three arbitrators are to be appointed, each party shall appoint one arbitrator. The two arbitrators thus appointed shall choose the third arbitrator who will act as the presiding arbitrator of the arbitral tribunal.

Article 21 答辩书和反请求


1. The respondent shall communicate its statement of defence in writing to the claimant and to each of the arbitrators within a period of time to be determined by the arbitral tribunal. The respondent may elect to treat its response to the notice of arbitration referred to in article 4 as a statement of defence, provided that the response to the notice of arbitration also complies with the requirements of paragraph 2 of this article.

2. The statement of defence shall reply to the particulars (b) to (e) of the statement of claim (art. 20, para. 2). The statement of defence should, as far as possible, be accompanied by all documents and other evidence relied upon by the respondent, or contain references to them.

3. In its statement of defence, or at a later stage in the arbitral proceedings if the arbitral tribunal decides that the delay was justified under the circumstances, the respondent may make a counterclaim or rely on a claim for the purpose of a set-off provided that the arbitral tribunal has jurisdiction over it.

4. The provisions of article 20, paragraphs 2 to 4, shall apply to a counterclaim, a claim under article 4, paragraph 2 (f), and a claim relied on for the purpose of a set-off.

Article 28 开庭审理


1. In the event of an oral hearing, the arbitral tribunal shall give the parties adequate advance notice of the date, time and place thereof.

2. Witnesses, including expert witnesses, may be heard under the conditions and examined in the manner set by the arbitral tribunal.

3. Hearings shall be held in camera unless the parties agree otherwise. The arbitral tribunal may require the retirement of any witness or witnesses, including expert witnesses, during the testimony of such other witnesses, except that a witness, including an expert witness, who is a party to the arbitration shall not, in principle, be asked to retire.

4. The arbitral tribunal may direct that witnesses, including expert witnesses, be examined through means of telecommunication that do not require their physical presence at the hearing (such as videoconference).

Article 34-36 答辩书和反请求


Article 34

1. The arbitral tribunal may make separate awards on different issues at different times.

2. All awards shall be made in writing and shall be final and binding on the parties. The parties shall carry out all awards without delay.

3. The arbitral tribunal shall state the reasons upon which the award is based, unless the parties have agreed that no reasons are to be given.

4. An award shall be signed by the arbitrators and it shall contain the date on which the award was made and indicate the place of arbitration. Where there is more than one arbitrator and any of them fails to sign, the award shall state the reason for the absence of the signature.

5. An award may be made public with the consent of all parties or where and to the extent disclosure is required of a party by legal duty, to protect or pursue a legal right or in relation to legal proceedings before a court or other competent authority.

6. Copies of the award signed by the arbitrators shall be communicated to the parties by the arbitral tribunal.



首先,取消关于仲裁协议必须为书面形式的明确规定。目前,许多仲裁机构的仲裁规则已经采取了这种方式,例如2010年的《SIAC仲裁规则》、2010年的《SCC仲裁规则》以及2009年的《AAA 仲裁规则》。这种方式在《UNCITRAL仲裁规则》的修订后得到了进一步的确认,即不再将仲裁协议存在的形式拘泥于“书面”。



最后,关于仲裁员的责任豁免问题。《UNCITRAL仲裁规则》以及许多大陆法系和英美法系的国家都在仲裁规则中增加了仲裁员责任豁免制度,如在2000年《美国统一仲裁法案》*中规定“仲裁员在履行职能时不对任何民事行为负责,除非他们的行为是有意为之的、恶意的或是严重过失的”。考虑到增强仲裁员在仲裁过程中的独立性,中国仲裁机构的仲裁规则也应加入这一规定,使仲裁员能够在最大程度上独立、公正地处理案件。*Section 14 of Uniform Arbitration Art: “(a) An arbitrator or an arbitration organization acting in that capacity is immune from civil liability to the same extent as a judge of a court of this State acting in a judicial capacity. (b) The immunity afforded by this section supplements any immunity under other law. (c) The failure of an arbitrator to make a disclosure required by Section 12 does not cause any loss of immunity under this section.”



1. 普遍适用性:《UNCITRAL仲裁规则》不仅被包括在许多国际商业合同中,也被许多国家和地区的法律接受和采用。这些规则的普遍适用性使得各方在跨国争议解决中有了一个公认的标准,大大提高了仲裁的效率和公正性。

2. 对国家法律的影响:《UNCITRAL仲裁规则》在全球范围内对各国的国内仲裁法产生了重要影响。许多国家在制定或修订其国内仲裁法时,都会参考《UNCITRAL仲裁规则》,以确保其法律与国际仲裁实践保持一致。这不仅有助于提高各国法律的国际兼容性,也有助于提高其国内仲裁制度的公正性和有效性。

3. 推动全球仲裁实践的发展:《UNCITRAL仲裁规则》在全球范围内推动了仲裁实践的发展。它们对仲裁程序的详细规定,如仲裁庭的组成、证据的收集和裁决的制定等,为全球的仲裁实践提供了重要的指导。许多仲裁机构和实践者都会参考《UNCITRAL仲裁规则》来进行仲裁,从而提高仲裁的公正性和效率。

4. 示范法的作用:《UNCITRAL仲裁规则》也起到了示范法的作用,为各国和地区提供了一套可以参考和采用的仲裁规则。这使得各国和地区可以根据自己的法律环境和实际需要,对《UNCITRAL仲裁规则》进行适当的修改和调整,从而更好地适应自己的法律系统和实际情况。

5. 在投资争议解决中的应用:《UNCITRAL仲裁规则》在投资争议解决中也发挥了重要作用。许多投资条约和协议都选择《UNCITRAL仲裁规则》作为争议解决的方式,这使得投资者和国家在解决争议时有了一个公认的标准和程序,从而提高了争议解决的公正性和效率。


五、结 语

