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The "RCEP and Foreign Trade Rules Interpretation and Promotion Seminar" and the " 'Chongqing·Taiwan Week' Sub-events "

Release time:2024-09-24 12:00:38

On the morning of September 11, 2024, the "RCEP and Foreign Trade Rules Interpretation and Promotion Seminar", guided by the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Commerce and hosted by the Dadukou District Commission of Commerce, was successfully held in Dadukou. Mr. Zheng Wensheng, member of the Party Group of the District Commission of Commerce and Deputy Director of the District Commerce Development Center, leaders from the Dadukou District Commission of Commerce, representatives from foreign trade enterprises in Dadukou District, and heads of foreign trade operation service platform companies attended the seminar. Director Cai Yue from the APIAC - Legal Services Center for Global Taiwan-invested Enterprises Integrated with RCEP Affairs was invited to deliver a keynote speech. 

Mr. Zheng Wensheng, Member of the Leading Party Group of the District Commission of Commerce and Deputy Director of the District Commerce Development Center, Mr. Luo Ya, Chairman and Secretary General of Chongqing Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export, addressed the attendees separately. They pointed out that RCEP, as the world's largest free trade agreement, covers 15 countries including ten ASEAN countries, China, Japan, and South Korea, aiming to promote economic integration in the Asia-Pacific region. Leveraging its geographical advantages of the "Belt and Road" initiative and the Yangtze River Economic Belt, Chongqing has made remarkable progress under the RCEP framework, especially achieving continuous growth in import and export trade in high-tech manufacturing and electronic products. In the future, RCEP will bring more opportunities for Chongqing to further promote its opening-up policy, attract foreign investment, seize the policy dividends of RCEP, and achieve high-quality development. 

Ms. Cai Yue, Director of the APIAC - Legal Services Center for Global Taiwan-invested Enterprises Integrated with RCEP Affairs, delivered a keynote speech on "Prevention and Resolution of Overseas Legal Risks for Chinese Enterprises - From the Perspective of International Arbitration". She stated that RCEP has brought new opportunities and challenges for Chinese enterprises in the international market. The APIAC - Legal Services Center for Global Taiwan-invested Enterprises Integrated with RCEP Affairs aims to provide professional legal services for enterprises and help them expand their markets within the RCEP framework. 

In the afternoon, the APIAC - Legal Services Center for Global Taiwan-invested Enterprises Integrated with RCEP Affairs was invited to attend the "Chongqing-Taiwan Week" sub-event - the "Health Industry Matchmaking Conference". This event, as another highlight of the "Chongqing-Taiwan Week", aims to build a bridge for cross-strait exchanges and cooperation in the health industry and jointly explore new paths for the development of the health industry. An Li, Deputy Minister of the United Front Work Department of the District Committee, Director of the Ethnic, Religious and Overseas Chinese and Taiwan Affairs Office of the District, and Chairman of the District Federation and Overseas Chinese, He Gang, Deputy Director of the District Merchants and Investment Promotion Bureau, Li Ping, Director of the District's Health and Biopharmaceutical Industry Office, and more than a dozen Taiwanese entrepreneurs from the biomedical industry attended the meeting. 

Director Cai Yue of the APIAC - Legal Services Center for Global Taiwan-invested Enterprises Integrated with RCEP Affairs stated that in recent years, the signing of RCEP has injected new momentum into trade cooperation among ASEAN, China, Japan, South Korea and other countries, providing broad development space for Taiwan-funded enterprises. However, Taiwanese enterprises often face many challenges in international economic and trade activities, such as language barriers, legal complexities, and high costs. In order to help enterprises better integrate into the RCEP market, the APIAC- Legal Services Center for Global Taiwan-invested Enterprises Integrated with RCEP Affairs emerged at the right moment. The APIAC not only has an international team of arbitrators with multilingual capabilities and rich legal experience, but also provides on-site legal support for enterprises through its arbitration centers established in many countries and regions around the world.

Recently, an arbitration award by the APIAC was successfully enforced in China for the first time, further demonstrating its authority and professionalism in international arbitration. In the future, the service center will continue to provide more efficient and professional legal services for Taiwan-funded enterprises, helping them to develop steadily within the framework of RCEP.


