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Visit of Chairman Ma Zhanjun and Delegation from the Asia-Pacific International Arbitration Center to TAHOTA Law Firm

Release time:2023-12-19 09:18:51

A delegation led by Ma Zhanjun, Chairman of the Asia-Pacific International Arbitration Center (APIAC), visited the Chengdu office of TAHOTA Law Firm on December 7, 2023. The visit focused on the "Current Status and Development Trends of International Commercial Arbitration in Southeast Asia," and concurrently, APIAC appointed Mr. Cheng Shoutai, Managing Partner of TAHOTA Law Firm, as an arbitrator.

Prospects for Collaboration and Exchange

Mr. Cheng Shoutai delivered a welcoming speech, expressing warm greetings to the APIAC delegation and providing an overview of TAHOTA Law Firm's development, business areas, and professional initiatives. He emphasized the firm's commitment to establishing a global legal service network, with offices in locations such as Nepal, Washington, Sydney, Bangkok, and Vientiane, dedicated to providing international legal services. Mr. Cheng suggested enhanced positive interaction between institutions to collectively promote the development of international arbitration and the cultivation of talents in the field.

Chairman Ma Zhanjun introduced APIAC's establishment and development history, emphasizing its goal of creating a new platform for international arbitration cooperation. Chairman Ma highlighted APIAC's advantages in offering a convenient and efficient arbitration process, respecting party autonomy, and providing an enforceable mechanism beyond geographical boundaries. He assured that APIAC would focus on meeting the intrinsic needs of dispute parties and arbitration professionals, ensuring the highest efficiency, and delivering quality services.

Senior partners of TAHOTA Law Firm, Lawyers Peng Jianjun, Ma Chunyan, and Gan Jianming, engaged in an in-depth exchange on the "Current Status and Development Trends of International Commercial Arbitration in Southeast Asia." They noted the comprehensive effectiveness of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), effective as of 2022, emphasizing the increasingly vital role of international commercial arbitration in China-ASEAN cooperation.

Appointment Ceremony

Recognizing the crucial role of arbitrators in maintaining the reputation and trust of international arbitration institutions, Chairman Ma Zhanjun presented Mr. Cheng Shoutai with the arbitrator appointment letter from APIAC. This gesture symbolized APIAC's trust and high recognition of Mr. Cheng Shoutai's international arbitration expertise and legal competence.

The thematic seminar on "Current Status and Development Trends of International Commercial Arbitration in Southeast Asia" was successfully held. The development of international arbitration is of paramount importance in promoting international trade and investment, ensuring legal applicability and predictability, protecting business interests and confidential information, and fostering arbitration culture and legal awareness. APIAC, leveraging Singapore's existing status as an international arbitration and mediation center, will play a crucial role in advancing dispute resolution in the Asia-Pacific region and globally.

