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Asia-Pacific International Arbitration Chamber (APIAC) Attends 2023 Year-end VIP Dinner Hosted by EU Chamber in Southwest China and Southwest Christmas Dinner Hosted by Swiss Chamber in Southwest China

Release time:2023-12-19 14:46:19

On December 14 and 15, 2023, the Asia-Pacific International Arbitration Chamber (APIAC) was invited to attend the year-end VIP banquet hosted by the European Union Chamber of Commerce in Southwest China and the Christmas dinner hosted by the Swiss Chamber of Commerce in Southwest China. Mr. Tang Shiyi, Deputy Director of APIAC Southwest Service Center (Chongqing), led the APIAC delegation to both events.

On December 14, the year-end VIP banquet hosted by the European Union Chamber of Commerce in Southwest China took place at 6 p.m., with the attendance of nearly 20 leaders from foreign-invested enterprises and representatives from government departments.

Before the commencement of the banquet, Deputy Director Tang Shiyi expressed gratitude to Ms. Serena Chen, Manager of the EU Chamber's Chongqing Office, and Ms. Sally Huang, General Manager of the EU Chamber Southwest Chapter, for inviting APIAC to the event. He introduced APIAC and expressed the desire for long-term collaboration with the chamber. Sally welcomed APIAC and expressed willingness to recommend APIAC to other members of the EU Chamber. During the banquet, Deputy Director Tang Shiyi introduced APIAC's development history, organizational structure, and latest advancements to all present enterprises.

After the banquet, Deputy Director Tang Shiyi had a conversation with Mr. Massimo Bagnasco, Vice Chairman of the EU Chamber National Board and Chairman of the Southwest Chapter. Mr. Bagnasco shared insights into the current business situation, and Deputy Director Tang Shiyi updated him on APIAC's recent developments, including the establishment of the Hong Kong Arbitration Center and the Southwest Service Centers in Chongqing and Chengdu, along with the ongoing plans for branches in Jakarta, Indonesia, and Malaysia.

On December 15, the Swiss Chamber of Commerce in Southwest China hosted its inaugural Christmas dinner at 6 p.m., attended by representatives from over 30 Swiss and other foreign-invested enterprises.

The dinner featured Ms. Estelle Vuichard from the Economic and Financial Section of the Embassy of Switzerland in China and Mr. Guillaume Joyet, Executive Director of the Swiss Chamber of Commerce in Beijing, as special guests for the welcoming speeches.

Deputy Director Tang Shiyi introduced APIAC to Mr. Raphael Zumsteg, President of the Swiss Chamber, and representatives from over 30 foreign-invested enterprises. He emphasized APIAC's commitment to providing efficient, professional, and impartial arbitration services to foreign enterprises in the Southwest region and across the Asia-Pacific. President Raphael Zumsteg warmly welcomed the APIAC delegation and highly praised APIAC's efforts in promoting international arbitration development and serving foreign enterprises in the Southwest region.

APIAC will continue its dedication to delivering efficient and professional arbitration services, contributing to the flourishing development of international arbitration.

