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Asia-Pacific International Arbitration Chamber Invited to Participate in Christmas Event Hosted by China-Italy Chamber of Commerce

Release time:2023-12-27 10:40:15

Asia-Pacific International Arbitration Chamber (APIAC) was invited to attend the Christmas event jointly organized by the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce and the renowned Italian enterprise Sparkle Motor (China) in Chongqing on December 24, 2023. Mr. Tang Shiyi, Deputy Director of the Southwest Service Center (Chongqing) of the Asia-Pacific International Arbitration Chamber, attended the event along with his delegation. On the day of the event, leaders of Italian foreign-invested enterprises and representatives from government departments gathered to celebrate Christmas, anticipate the arrival of the New Year, and engage in enthusiastic conversation.

Prior to the commencement of the event, Deputy Director Tang Shiyi expressed gratitude to Mr. Paolo Bazzoni, President of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, and Ms. Yang Wen, Manager of the Chongqing office of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, for inviting APIAC to participate in the event. Deputy Director Tang Shiyi expressed the hope for continued long-term friendly relations and interactions with the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, and Ms. Yang Wen welcomed and expressed willingness to assist APIAC in facilitating cooperation with more foreign-invested enterprises through the platform of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce.

Subsequently, Deputy Director Tang Shiyi and his delegation had an in-depth exchange with Ms. Wang Ting, China Area President of the Italian trading company Sparkle, expressing their commitment to actively facilitate potential future collaborations.

In his address during the event, President Paolo Bazzoni highlighted the increasing frequency of Sino-Italian commercial and trade activities, emphasizing the growing economic and cultural exchanges. He underscored the importance of friendly exchanges and cooperation among chamber businesses.

Deputy Director Tang Shiyi continued discussions with President Paolo Bazzoni, providing detailed information about the Asia-Pacific International Arbitration Chamber. The year 2023 marks the inaugural year of APIAC, which has established its presence in Singapore, set up the Hong Kong Arbitration Center in Hong Kong, and established Southwest Service Centers in Chongqing and Chengdu. APIAC is also in the process of establishing branch offices in Jakarta, Indonesia, and Malaysia, aiming to provide more efficient and professional arbitration services for the vast number of foreign entities in the Greater China and Asia-Pacific regions. President Paolo Bazzoni highly appreciated APIAC's dedication to promoting the development of international arbitration and serving foreign enterprises in the Southwest region.

As we approach 2024, APIAC remains committed to the principles of efficiency, professionalism, independence, and impartiality, continuing to serve the extensive foreign enterprises in the Southwest region and the Asia-Pacific area, contributing to the thriving development of international arbitration.

