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Asia Pacific International Arbitration Chamber will host an International Commercial Arbitration Training in Chongqing

Release time:2024-01-12 10:36:42

Chinese enterprises are increasingly engaging in foreign trade and cross-border investments amid the backdrop of the 'Belt and Road'. Faced with disputes arising from cross-border commercial activities, a growing number of commercial entities are opting for arbitration to resolve the disputes. In this new landscape, international arbitration will emerge as a primary resolution in resolving cross-border commercial disputes, with a continuous increase in the number and diversity of cases, as well as a rise in the amount of subject amounts in disputes. However, the international arbitration differs significantly from domestic arbitration. Legal professionals, including foreign affairs lawyers, handling international arbitration cases need to understand how to comprehend the procedures in international arbitration and leverage the advantages it offers.


Asia Pacific International Arbitration Chamber (APIAC) Southwest Service Center will organize a training seminar with the theme of “Theory and Practice of International Commercial Arbitration”. The program aims to provide legal professionals with more opportunities for learning and exchanging knowledge in the field of international commercial arbitration, and we look forward to your participation.


Event Information

Organizer: Asia Pacific International Arbitration Chamber Southwest Service Center

Co-organizer: Asia Pacific International Arbitration Chamber International Mediation Center

Co-organizer: Law School of Sichuan University

Co-organizer: Commercial Arbitration Research Center of Southwest University of Political Science and Law

Co-organizer: Macau Institute of International Arbitration

Co-organizer: Beihai Court of International Arbitration

Event Theme: Theory and Practice of International Commercial Arbitration

Event Address: 1st and 2nd Floors, Building B3, Golden Bay Zhi Gu, Shapingba. District, Chongqing City

Event Date: March 3rd, 2024 (Sunday)

Event Overview:

Instructors: International arbitration experts, professors, and arbitrators from China Mainland, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Malaysia, and other Asia-Pacific regions.

Registration Requirements:


1. Legal professionals, legal practitioners, and professionals in the fields of commerce and trade with more than three years of experience, among others, as deemed eligible by the APIAC.

2.  Priority given to those engaged in international business.

3.  Maximum number of participants: 80 people.

Registration Method and Deadline:

Registration deadline: 12:00 AM, February 9, 2024.

Registration method: Follow the official WeChat account of the APIAC (search for "亚太国际仲裁院" on WeChat) and reply with "重庆报名" to obtain the registration link.

Registration Fee: Follow the official WeChat account of the APIAC (search for "亚太国际仲裁院") and reply with "重庆报名费用" to obtain fee information.

Other Matters:

1. A post-training online assessment will be conducted, and the outstanding performers, as recognized by the APIAC, may have the opportunity to be appointed as APIAC arbitrators or mediators.

2. Contacts: Cai Yue +86 18875256374

2. Contacts: Cao Ke +86 15909397981

