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The APIAC and the Shapingba District Government initiated a strategic collaboration to jointly create a new era of international arbitration in Southwest China

Release time:2023-10-13 11:08:58

On the morning of October 11, 2023, the Asia Pacific International Arbitration Chamber (APIAC), Beihai Court of International Arbitration , and the Shapingba District Government of Chongqing jointly signed a strategic cooperation agreement in the government conference hall. Shapingba District Mayor Xiao Qinghua, Deputy District Mayor and member of the Standing Committee of the District Hu Yi, Chairman of the APIAC Ma Zhanjun, and General Manager of the Chong Qing International Logistics Hub Park, Huang Pu attended the event. Taking advantage of this occasion, the Southwest Service Center of APIAC officially established its presence in Huangjinwan·Zhigu Valley.


This strategic cooperation marks a milestone. The Southwest Service Center of APIAC, as a specialized institution responsible for coordinating domestic affairs and providing international arbitration case consultation services in the southwestern region, not only fulfills its duties in domestic affairs coordination and international arbitration consultation but also leverages overseas resources. It collaborates with the Southwest Service Center of Beihai Court of International Arbitration to provide efficient, fair, cost-effective, and convenient means of resolving various disputes arising from "the Belt and Road initiative", trade cooperation in the New Western Land-Sea Corridor, and international investments between China and ASEAN countries, whether they involve "going global" and "bringing in." This collaboration, with the support of APIAC's expertise in international arbitration and the Shapingba District Government, will jointly shape a new paradigm for international arbitration in China's southwestern region.

During the signing ceremony, Shapingba District Mayor Xiao Qinghua expressed that to align with the expansion of the "outward" space of the New Western Land-Sea Corridor and accelerate the development of legal services along the route, special attention will be given to optimizing the business legal environment in the 500-kilometer radiation area of Chongqing Railway Port. The entire district will continue to create an excellent business environment and provide full support for the development of the Southwest Service Centers of both courts.


During the event, Chairman Ma Zhanjun of APIAC stated that the establishment of the Southwest Service Center of APIAC will accelerate the development of international commercial arbitration in the southwestern region, helping more businesses and individuals resolve international disputes. APIAC is committed to promoting the development of international arbitration services in the southwestern region and facilitating the training of legal professionals in international arbitration. They are also willing to contribute their efforts to providing foreign legal services and creating a favorable international business environment in the southwestern region.

Huang Pu, the General Manager of the Chong Qing International Logistics Hub Park, stated that the park will provide comprehensive support services for the development of both institutions and offer a conducive business environment.

This strategic collaboration will promote the development of international commercial arbitration in Shapingba District, aiding businesses and individuals in resolving international disputes more efficiently. It will also contribute to the establishment of a legal environment in the southwestern region and create additional opportunities and prospects for the region's business development. This partnership will witness the prosperity of arbitration services in the southwestern region, offering more legal protection to the parties involved and collectively ushering in a new era of international arbitration.

