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Asia Pacific International Arbitration Chamber (Singapore) Invited to Wenzhou Private Advisory Board (Singapore)'s Thematic Sharing Session

Release time:2024-07-04 16:52:21

On July 3, 2024, President Ma Zhanjun and his delegation from the Asia Pacific International Arbitration Chamber (Singapore) were invited to attend the thematic sharing session organized by the Wenzhou Private Advisory Board (Singapore).

President Ma Zhanjun engaged in an in-depth discussion and exchange with the participants on the topic of "The Differences Between Arbitration and Litigation and Their Advantages and Disadvantages". Starting with the origin of international arbitration, President Ma elaborated on the differences between arbitration and litigation in terms of jurisdiction. He emphasized the significant efficiency advantages of arbitration, and discussed the effectiveness and enforcement of international arbitration awards compared to court judgments. At the same time, President Ma objectively pointed out that the high costs of international arbitration often prevent many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from obtaining timely and appropriate solutions for cross-border disputes. The Asia Pacific International Arbitration Chamber (APIAC) places great importance on the needs of SMEs in dispute resolution, not only achieving greater predictability in billing methods but also providing high-quality professional international arbitration services while minimizing arbitration costs for enterprises. This can effectively fill the market gap, which is often overlooked in the field of international arbitration.

At the end of the sharing session, President Ma Zhanjun offered valuable advice on how to choose the appropriate dispute resolution method based on practical cases. During the interactive session, President Ma had a deep exchange with the entrepreneurs present, which received an enthusiastic response.

The event was hosted by Sun Ke, the Executive President of the Wenzhou Private Advisory Board (Singapore), and Wu Chenyi, the Secretary-General. Wenzhou Private Advisory Board (Singapore) is a non-profit organization founded by entrepreneurs and business elites of Wenzhou origin or with connections to Wenzhou in Singapore. Upholding the motto "Broad Connectivity, Sustainable Commerce, Integration of Excellence, Collaborative Success," the Board provides a platform for global Wenzhou businesspeople to network and cooperate. It unites its members in solidarity, mutual assistance, concerted efforts, and collaborative development.

Looking ahead, the APIAC will continue to strengthen its ties with chambers of commerce worldwide, deepen exchanges, expand its service range, and improve service quality based on the needs of global commercial entities for dispute resolution. This ongoing effort aims to enhance APIAC's international influence and provide superior international arbitration services to enterprises worldwide.

