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Asia Pacific International Arbitration Chamber Expands into the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Empowering Lawyers to Tackle International Commercial Disputes

Release time:2024-07-22 10:59:23

Recently, Ma Zhanjun, President of the Asia Pacific International Arbitration Chamber (APIAC), and Li Xinyi, Secretary-General of APIAC Hong Kong Arbitration Center, were invited to deliver thematic sharing sessions titled "Opportunities and Challenges for Chinese Lawyers in International Arbitration" at several prominent law firms in Guangzhou, including Beijingshi Yingke Law Firm Guangzhou Office, Guangdong United Intellectus Law Firm, and W&H Law Firm (Guangzhou Office). These sessions attracted significant attention from the legal community in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

During the session at Beijingshi Yingke Law Firm Guangzhou Office, President Ma highlighted that in international arbitration, the parties involved typically come from different countries and often find it challenging to agree on an arbitration institution from either party's country. As a result, a neutral third-country arbitration institution is usually selected. This scenario presents objective challenges for Chinese lawyers, including language barriers, cultural differences, and unfamiliarity with foreign arbitration institutions and their rules. These factors have historically lowered the representation of Chinese lawyers in international arbitration. President Ma provided in-depth insights on how Chinese lawyers can seize opportunities in international arbitration, expand their legal services, and contribute to the high-quality development of international legal practices.

At the lecture held at Guangdong United Intellectus Law Firm, President Ma pointed out that Singapore, due to its strategic location, robust legal system, government support, and favorable policies, has gradually become the international arbitration hub of the Asia-Pacific region. He also acknowledged the high costs associated with international arbitration. APIAC addresses this issue by focusing on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and cases with smaller claims, striving to reduce arbitration costs while offering high-quality international arbitration services. Additionally, President Ma shared his views on international commercial arbitration in the cross-border e-commerce sector, emphasizing the importance of confirming the validity of arbitration agreements in this field to maintain a healthy arbitration ecosystem.

During the session at W&H Law Firm (Guangzhou Office), President Ma Zhanjun engaged with numerous lawyers in an in-depth discussion on new approaches to international legal services. Focusing on the theme "Opportunities and Challenges Amid the Outbound Wave," President Ma analyzed new trends and characteristics of current international commercial disputes. He offered unique insights on how domestic lawyers can effectively respond to these challenges and seize opportunities, providing valuable guidance for their future practices in the field of international legal services.

With the advancement of the Belt and Road Initiative, an increasing number of Chinese enterprises are venturing abroad for trade and investment. This surge, particularly noticeable in Southeast Asia, has been dubbed the "Year of Going Global" for Chinese enterprises. However, many of these outbound enterprises face significant legal risks, presenting a vast opportunity for lawyers to provide comprehensive legal services. As an internationally recognized method of dispute resolution, international arbitration is becoming increasingly important. APIAC, with its blend of Chinese elements and international perspective, offers Chinese lawyers a valuable opportunity to participate in international arbitration.

The APIAC's engagement in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area aimed to bring cutting-edge information and practical experience in international arbitration to local lawyers. The goal was to enhance their international perspective and improve their ability to handle international commercial disputes, enabling them to navigate the opportunities and challenges of the outbound wave more effectively and provide more professional legal services to outbound enterprises. APIAC will continue to offer platforms for local lawyers to interact with international arbitration experts, providing high-quality arbitration legal services to enterprises in the process of globalization and contributing to the prosperity and development of the Greater Bay Area with legal wisdom and strength.

