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Signing Ceremony of the Cooperation Agreement between APIAC and ISCR, MUST and the Launch of the New Issue of APIAJ

Release time:2024-08-29 10:12:54

On the afternoon of August 18, 2024, the "Signing Ceremony of the Cooperation Agreement between Asia Pacific International Arbitration Chamber (APIAC) and the Institute for Social and Cultural Research at Macau University of Science and Technology (ISCR, MUST), and the Launch of the New Issue of Asia-Pacific International Arbitration Journal (APIAJ)" was successfully held in Singapore. Present at the event were representatives from various industries, including Mr. Ma Zhanjun, President of APIAC; Professor Lin Guangzhi, Director of the ISCR at MUST; Professor Yi Zaicheng, Assistant Dean of the Law School of MUST; Mr. Fu Wenlin, Director of the Singapore Cultural Exchange Center; Mr. Zheng Xinren, Director of the Wilberforce TJC Law Corporation; Lawyer Liu Tie, Director of the Standard & Partners Law Firm China (Hong Kong) Office; and Ms. Wang Qiufang, COO & CLO of GO GLOBAL GEM Company in Singapore.

At the beginning of the ceremony, Professor Lin Guangzhi delivered a speech, highlighting APIAC's outstanding dispute resolution capabilities in international arbitration. The impartial and efficient arbitration services provided by APIAC furnish robust support for the resolution of international commercial disputes. Professor Lin also expressed that ISCR at MUST is honored to establish this collaboration with APIAC, and believes that this partnership will inaugurate a new era of cooperation between the two entities, jointly endeavoring to achieve new heights in arbitration.

Subsequently, President Ma Zhanjun offered his remarks, extending heartfelt gratitude to Professor Lin for attending the signing ceremony, and warmly welcomed him and his delegation to APIAC. President Ma highly praised the ISCR at MUST for its remarkable achievements in academic research, talent training, and industry-academia-research cooperation. He stated that this cooperation is the result of a shared vision and in-depth exchange between the two sides, reflecting the principles of mutual respect and shared development. He looks forward to both sides engaging in extensive and in-depth cooperation in the frontier exploration of international commercial arbitration, practical case research, and high-end arbitration talent training, with the aim of collectively enhancing professional standards and international influence within the field of international arbitration.

At the signing ceremony, Professor Lin Guangzhi and President Ma Zhanjun officially signed the cooperation agreement between APIAC and the ISCR at MUST. The signing marks the official start of the cooperation between the two sides, not only creating new opportunities for the teaching and scientific research activities of the ISCR at MUST, but also laying a solid foundation for its further development.Additionally, it strengthens APIAC's talent development in international arbitration.

Subsequently, the event entered the "APIAJ New Issue Launch" session. APIAJ is a journal jointly founded by APIAC and Macao Institute of International Arbitration (International Standard Serial Number ISSN: 3006-7235). The journal aims to deeply explore core issues in the field of arbitration from a global perspective, gather and disseminate the most cutting-edge information and research results in arbitration, and serve as an important platform for the publication of academic articles in the field of international arbitration.


At the launch, President Ma Zhanjun, as the editor-in-chief of APIAJ, introduced the journal's founding vision, editorial team, development planning, and expected goals. He emphasized that APIAJ aims to build a solid communication bridge between Chinese and global arbitration, deepen the integration of international arbitration theory and practice, and gather the wisdom of global arbitration elites. APIAJ is committed to the cultivation and value shaping of arbitration talents, injecting endless momentum into the sustainable development of the arbitration cause.

As a representative of the APIAJ editorial board, Professor Lin Guangzhi expressed high expectations for the launch of APIAJ. He pointed out that the launch of APIAJ provides a high-quality platform for the display and exchange of arbitration research, and looks forward to collaborating with global peers to jointly promote the prosperity and development of the arbitration cause, contributing more theoretical support and practical insights to the resolution of international commercial disputes.

Professor Yi Zaicheng, the deputy editor-in-chief of APIAJ, also delivered a speech, stating that APIAJ will adhere to the principles of internationalization, specialization, and diversification. He pledged to continuously strive to improve the quality of the journal, presenting more exciting academic feasts to the international arbitration community.

Mr. Zheng Xinren warmly congratulated the launch of APIAJ. He deeply analyzed the unique advantages of Singapore as an international arbitration center and expressed his hopes that APIAJ will leverage this unique geographical location, uphold high aspirations, work diligently and professionally, and explore tirelessly to jointly create a more brilliant future for arbitration in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.

In a solemn and warm atmosphere, leaders and guests jointly conducted the unveiling ceremony, during which President Ma Zhanjun announced the official launch of APIAJ.

Following the launch ceremony, Ms. Wu Yangyi, Associate Research Fellow at Chengdu University; Mr. Wu Zhenguo, Lecturer at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at Beijing University of Science and Technology; and Lawyer Zheng Wei, Partner at East & Concord Partners, Greater Bay Area Office, respectively, presented their research on cutting-edge issues such as On the Application of the Seat of Arbitration  in International Commercial Arbitration, An Analysis of Legal Interpretation on the Effectiveness of Arbitration Agreement - A Perspective from the 196th Guiding Case, and On the Application of Artificial Intelligence in Commercial Arbitration.

At the end of the event, the host announced the successful launch of the inaugural issue of APIAJ.

With the signing of the cooperation agreement and the launch of the new issue of APIAJ, the cooperation between APIAC and the ISCR at MUST has opened a new chapter. APIAC looks forward to this cooperation promoting academic exchanges and practical innovation within the field of international arbitration, thereby making a meaningful contribution to the advancement of the global arbitration community.

