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Why do you choose arbitration as a dispute resolution method?
Compared with litigation, arbitration is efficient . The arbitration procedure fully respects the autonomy of the parties, and arbitration is confidential and independent. When the nationalities of the two parties are different, in order to avoid judicial protection and consider the convenience of the execution of the arbitral award, arbitration has become the best choice for the above cases.
What is the scope of accepting cases of APIAC ?
Cases involving foreign-related factors, or contractual or non-contractual disputes over property rights and interests between both parties are overseas subjects, can be submitted to Asia-Pacific arbitration.
How to choose APIAC?
The arbitration clause is the basis and premise of arbitration. The arbitration clause must be written and established in any of the following ways:
(1)Arbitration clause in the contract: arbitration clause is set up in the contract;
(2)Supplementary arbitration agreement: an arbitration agreement reached in writing before and after the dispute;
(3)Invitation to arbitration: If the parties have no arbitration agreement, one party invites the other party to settle the dispute by arbitration and sign an invitation to arbitration through APIAC and the other party agrees to arbitration,APIAC will notify both parties to reach an arbitration agreement.
Can the awards of APIAC be enforced in China?
Where the seat of arbitration is the Mainland China, the arbitration awards shall be applied to the court in China for enforcement according to the provisions of the Arbitration Law of PRC and the Civil Procedure Law of PRC; Where the seat of arbitration is agreed to be Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, such foreign-related awards shall be applied for enforcement in accordance with the relevant arrangements or regulations for the enforcement of arbitral awards in China Mainland and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan; Where the seat of arbitration is agreed to be outside China, the arbitration awards shall be applied for enforcement in accordance with the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards.