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APIAC invited to visit the Asia Global Institute of The University of Hong Kong

Release time:2024-09-23 17:08:06

On 13 September 2024, Mr Cao Jianxiong, Vice Chairman of the Asia Pacific International Arbitration Chamber Hong Kong Arbitration Center (APIAC-HKAC), and Ms Li Xinyi, Secretary-General of APIAC-HKAC, were invited to visit the Asia Global Institute of The University of Hong Kong. They held a meeting with the Asia Global Institute Fellows Dr. Ilker Ersegun Kayhan and Dr. Lin Zaw Min. The participants had in-depth exchanges on topics such as the history and development trend of international arbitration in Asia, and will work together to enhance Hong Kong's status as a centre for international legal and dispute resolution services in Asia-Pacific region.

Asia Global Institute is a multidisciplinary think tank co-established by The University of Hong Kong and the Fung Global Institute. The institute’s mission is to generate and disseminate research and ideas on global issues from Asian perspectives. It aims to inform global policy and actions towards a prosperous and sustainable future for all.


