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The High-End Training Conference on Theory and Practice of International Commercial Arbitration Sponsored by the Asia Pacific International Arbitration Chamber was Successfully Held in Singapore

Release time:2023-10-25 11:08:40

From October 18 to 20, 2023, The High-End Training Conference on Theory and Practice of International Commercial Arbitration sponsored by the Asia Pacific International Arbitration Chamber(Hereafter referred to as APIAC) was successfully held in Singapore. Chairman Ma Zhanjun attended and delivered a speech, he said that the APIAC focused on commercial disputes in Southeast Asia and China, and the training session aimed at enhancing trainees' professional knowledge and skills of international commercial arbitration, and cultivating new forces in the field of international commercial arbitration in the Asia- Pacific region.

Mr.William Leung from Hong Kong, China, Dr. Lee from the United States, Prof. Steve Ngo from Singapore and Mr. Ge Huangbin were invited as the main lecturers. Meanwhile, more than 30 college professors, arbitrators and other lawyers engaged in foreign-related business who were interested in international arbitration participated in this training.

At the training seminar, Mr.William Leung delivered a comprehensive and systematic analysis of "the latest developments in the Hong Kong Arbitration Law", focusing on five aspects, including the "Arrangement Concerning Mutual Assistance in CourtOrdered Interim Measures in Aid of Arbitral Proceedings (PRC-HK Interim Measures Arrangement), One-Stop Diversified International Commercial Dispute Resolution Mechanism (“One-Stop Platform”), Outcome-Related Fee Structure Regime, Latest Hong Kong Court Decision on Arbitration, and ‘Restrictive’ approach to foreign state immunity Hong Kong’s position".

Professor Steve Ngo ,with an article titled "Introduction to International Commercial Arbitration" and "Arbitration Awards", presents detailed analysis on the development of international arbitration, differences between Chinese arbitration and international arbitration, interim awards and final awards, the correction of awards, and other key issues related to international arbitration. Participants actively interacted with Professor Steve Ngo to discuss and exchange views on difficult issues in international arbitration.

Mr. GE Huangbin presented several opinions on "Issues concerning the control and award of international arbitration costs". He narrated an overview of the differences between Chinese and international arbitration in terms of arbitration timetable and arbitration fees, based on typical international commercial arbitration cases, and put forward suggestions on how to make the collection of Chinese arbitration fees more rigorous and perfect.

Dr. Lee, entitled "the conduct of arbitration", combs the whole international arbitration process from issuing arbitration notice, preparing teleconference, exchanging documents, submitting materials before hearing, evidentiary hearing, submitting materials after hearing to the final award of the arbitration tribunal.

Dr. Lee believes that there is a huge market for international commercial arbitration in Asia and encourages Asian lawyers to participate fully in international commercial arbitration.

This training event was held in Maxwell Chambers, Singapore. The Singapore government has established a Maxwell Chambers multi-dispute resolution center to promote one-stop service for commercial dispute resolution. In 2023, the Asia Pacific International Arbitration Chamber was admitted to the Centre with the approval of the Government of Singapore.

At 5:00 p.m. on October 20, 2023, the Asia Pacific International Arbitration Chamber held the closing ceremony of the training in Maxwell Chambers. Chairman Ma Zhanjun delivered a closing speech and issued certificates to the trainees.

The training session came to a successful conclusion, and all the trainees said that they had benefited a lot. Chairman Ma Zhanjun said that the Asia Pacific International Arbitration Chamber will continue to provide and build a learning platform for international commercial arbitration and help the development of international commercial arbitration.

