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Standing Committee of the Local People's Congress of Shapingba District Makes an Inspection Tour in Respect of the Progress of Legal Awareness Campaign by APIAC Southwest Service Center (Chongqing)

Release time:2024-07-19 10:43:08

Headed by Deng Zhaoxia, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Local People's Congress of Shapingba District, and the delegation visited Asia Pacific International Arbitration Chamber (“APIAC”) Southwest Service Center (Chongqing) on 15th July 2024, to commence a comprehensive research on promotion of legal education and awareness. 

The team at APIAC Southwest Service Center (Chongqing) extend a warm welcome to Deputy Director Deng and her delegation, providing companion throughout their visit. First and foremost, Deputy Director Deng and her delegation checked out the exhibition hall of the APIAC Southwest Service Center (Chongqing), where they obtained a thorough understanding of the APIAC’s global vision and its unique position under the "Belt and Road" initiative. As a vital platform for Chinese enterprises expanding international and multinational corporations penetrating the Chinese market, APIAC offers equitable, efficient, and convenient resolutions for international commercial disputes through its highly adaptable arbitration mechanism and option of legal system. The establishment of APIAC Southwest Service Center (Chongqing) precisely satisfy the demand for construction of the “New Western Land-Sea Corridor” further enhancing the depth and breadth of legal services along the corridor region.

Subsequently, Deputy Director Deng and her delegation moved to the conference room to view the promotional video of APIAC. The video vividly showcased the proficient expertise and distinctive advantages of APIAC, thereby enhancing the comprehension of the delegation on the core qualities of arbitration services offered by APIAC which include internationalization, specialization, and efficiency.

During the research discussion, Deputy Director Deng pointed out that with the in-depth advancement of the "New Western Land-sea Corridor" and the "Belt and Road" initiative, Shapingba District, as a pivotal crux, is facing unprecedented development opportunities and challenges. In order to sustain the continuous healthy development of the regional economy and society, It is important to encourage legal reform, ameliorate the business environment and enhance the standards of legal services.

This research discussion was an exhaustive review of the legal awareness campaign  within Shapingba District by Local People's Congress of Shapingba District. Furthermore, it has demonstrated the efforts of APIAC Southwest Service Center (Chongqing) in promoting legal development. Moving forward, APIAC Southwest Service Center (Chongqing) will continue to utilize its professional strengths, actively engage in legal education and promotion, and leverage this research discussion, as an opportunity to enhance communication with the Local People's Congress of Shapingba District and other government entities in order to second  the "New Western Land-sea Corridor" and "Belt and Road" initiatives vigorously in legal context.

