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“APIAC-Legal Service Center for Global Taiwan-invested Enterprises Integrated with RCEP Affairs” Opening in Chongqing

Release time:2023-12-29 14:10:32

On the morning of December 28, 2023, Mr. Ma Zhanjun, the Chairman of the Asia Pacific International Arbitration Chamber (APIAC), attended the unveiling ceremony of the Legal Service Center for Global Taiwan-invested Enterprises Integrated with RCEP Affairs (“the Center”), hosted by the Chongqing Dadukou District Investment Promotion Center. The ceremony was presided over by Mr. Liu Zhen, Deputy District Mayor of Dadukou District, Chongqing. Attendees included leaders from the Municipal Government as well as leaders from Dadukou District Committee and District Government, and heads of relevant functional departments at the district level. Guests from financial institutions, including Chongqing Bank Headquarters, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Chongqing Branch, Agricultural Bank of China Chongqing Branch, China CITIC Bank Chongqing Branch, Standard Chartered Bank Chongqing Branch, Fubon Bank (China) Chongqing Branch, Xiamen Bank Chongqing Branch, Bank of East Asia Chongqing Branch, and HSBC Chongqing Branch, were also in attendance.

Mr. Ma Zhanjun delivered a speech using four keywords in conclusion: Gratitude, Operations, Service, and Outlook. Firstly, he expressed gratitude to the Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office and the district government for their strong support in establishing the Center. He sincerely thanked the leaders and guests attending the unveiling ceremony. Subsequently, he emphasized that APIAC is the actual operator and leader of the Center, ensuring its normal and orderly operation in terms of personnel and financial support. From the perspective of providing efficient and high-quality services, he offered constructive suggestions for the development of the Center. APIAC, leveraging the Center, aims to connect Taiwan enterprises in Chongqing and across China, providing cost-effective arbitration services. Mr. Ma concluded by looking ahead to the future development of the Center. APIAC has already established southwest service centers in Chongqing and Chengdu, and arbitration center in Hong Kong, and is in the process of establishing branches in Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, and other locations. The goal of APIAC is to create a comprehensive international arbitration service system for countries and regions around the Pacific. Many Taiwan businessmen not only operate in China but also invest and trade across the Asia-Pacific region. APIAC, through this legal service center, will provide efficient and high-quality arbitration services for Taiwan businesses in the Asia-Pacific region, meeting the urgent need for resolving international disputes and facilitating business development.

Mr. Yuan Wei, Deputy Mayor of Dadukou District, expressed in his speech that the establishment of the Center is a pioneering initiative. Leveraging mechanisms such as China-Singapore connectivity, RCEP, and Chongqing-Taiwan economic cooperation, the Center is set up in the industrial park established in the Midwest during the Cross-Strait Entrepreneurs Summit - Chongqing (Dadukou) Taiwan Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Industrial Park. The Center, operating in an international and market-oriented manner, is established by the APIAC in Dadukou District, with a focus on Chongqing but serving the whole country. It aims to provide efficient, fair, economical, and convenient solutions for various disputes between Taiwan enterprises and ASEAN countries, build a platform for Taiwan province enterprises to explore RCEP member country markets, innovate models for Taiwan province enterprises to integrate into RCEP's economic, trade, and economic and financial cooperation, and explore innovative models and paths for the reunification of the motherland.

Mr. Liu Jiannan, Deputy Director of the Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office, congratulated the establishment of the Center, emphasizing its significance, including reducing trade costs, providing legal services, and helping Taiwan enterprises better integrate into RCEP. He emphasized the importance of the Belt and Road Initiative and highlighted the crucial role that APIAC can play in resolving legal issues. He also mentioned that the Center provides legal protection for Taiwan enterprises in Chongqing and globally to integrate into the Belt and Road Initiative.

Through the platform of the Center, APIAC is dedicated to providing high-quality and efficient legal services for Taiwan-invested enterprises worldwide, with a special focus on small and medium-sized enterprises. APIAC will continue to play a crucial role in resolving international commercial disputes and legal issues, ensuring that businesses can obtain strong legal protection in the complex international business environment, promoting global business prosperity and cooperation.

